Monday, December 5, 2011

Brain Plasticity and Disease: AMatter of Inhibition: A Review Article

Interesting article by Laura Baroncelli and Colleagues.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed

A role for glia in the progression of Rett’s syndrome

Interesting article by Daniel T. Lioy.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed


Interesting article by MONYA BAKER.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed

Subclinical myocardial dysfunction in Rett syndrome

Interesting article by Claudio De Felice and colleagues.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed

MeCP2 and Rett syndrome: reversibility and potential avenues for therapy: A Review Article

Interesting article by Kamal K.E. GADALLA and colleagues.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed

Folinic Acid supplementation in Rett syndrome patients does not influence the course of Disease: A Randomized Study

Interesting article by Eveline E. O. Hagebeuk and colleagues.

Note: Please click on the title to read the full article.

Source: NCBI-PubMed

Movement Disorders Emergencies in Childhood

A very Interesting article by F.J. Kirkham and Colleagues.

Note: Click on the title to read the full article.


Rett Syndrome: Exploring the Autism Link

A very Interesting article by Dr. Alan K Percy.

Must read.

Note: Click on the title to read the full article.
