Revised Diagnostic Criteria
At our present level of knowledge, the diagnosis of Rett Syndrome is more a clinical one and can not be ruled out on the basis of MECP2 mutations presence or absence, that means Rett Syndrome can occurs with or without mutations in MECP2, the mutations in MECP2 have also been found in those who does not have any clinical features of either classic or variant Rett Syndrome. Therefore, diagnostic criteria for classical and variant Rett Syndrome is essential and and these should be noted very carefully while clinical examination of the patient. Moreover a patient can be examined two or more times by different team of clinicians to confirm the diagnostic criteria.
Here is the list of essential and supportive diagnostic criteria for classical and Atypical Rett syndrome.
Essential Diagnostic Criteria for classical Rett syndrome (Patient should fulfill all of these)
- Apparently normal prenatal and perinatal period
- Psychomotor development may appear normal through the first six months or may be delayed from birth
- Normal head circumference at birth
- Postnatal deceleration of head growth in most children
- Decrease of purposeful hand skills between ages 6 and 30 months
- Communication dysfunction and social withdrawal in early childhood
- Severely impaired expressive and receptive language and psychomotor impairment
- Stereotypic hand movements such as hand wringing/ squeezing, clapping/ tapping, mouthing and washing
- Impaired or absent locomotion from late infancy
Supportive Criteria for classical Rett syndrome
Awake disturbances of breathing
Forced expulsion of air or saliva
EEG abnormalities
Slow waking background and intermittent rhythmical slowing (3-5 htz)
Epileptiform discharges, with or without clinical seizures
Abnormal muscle tone associated with muscle wasting and dystonia
Peripheral vasomotor disturbances (cold, blue feet and hands)
Scoliosis/ kyphosis
Growth retardation
Hypotrophic small feet
Bruxism (teeth-grinding)
Impaired sleep patterns in early infancy
Profound daytime sleep/ Abnormal sleep cycle
Criteria for Atypical Cases
Inclusion criteria: Patient must meet at least three of six main criteria and at least five of eleven supportive criteria
Six Main Criteria
Absence or reduction of finger skills
Loss of babble speech
Loss of communication skills
Deceleration of head growth
Hand stereotypies
RS disease profile: a regression stage followed by a recovery of interaction, contrasting with slow neuromotor regression
Eleven Supportive Criteria
Breathing irregularities
Teeth grinding
Scoliosis/ kyphosis
Lower limb muscle atrophy
Cold, purplish feet
Abnormal locomotion
Sleep disturbances
RS eye pointing
Pain indifference
Laughing/ screaming spells
Exclusion Criteria to rule out the diagnosis of Rett syndrome
Organomegaly or other signs of storage disease
Retinopathy or optic atrophy
Evidence or perinatal or postnatal brain damage
Existence of identifiable metabolic or other progressive neurological disorder
Acquired neurological disorders resulting from severe infections or head trauma
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